Mandy Larios and Kaitlyn Kordsmeier were chosen for their soccer skills.
Several middle school students had their feet washed on Holy Thursday
The St Joseph High School Quiz Bowl Team Finished 5th In State Tournament
The team placed Third in the Arch Ford Co-op Regional Finals
Max Gilbert and Chloe Skinner had the best St. Joseph Day essays.
Tenth through 12th graders experienced this eye-opening  look at poverty.
The tournament was held March 6 at the Arch Ford Co-OP
The Regional Tournament win qualifies the team to play in the State Tournament April 1st
The high school Interact Club was treated to a pizza party and received a check for its efforts in selling Christmas wreaths.
This was the first presentation of this Lenten season.
Jake Hill and Izzie Garrett were Players of the Week
Seth Mathis made it into the Third Round at the Faulkner Bee
Emma Seibert Wins Spelling Bee
Junior Catherine Royal finishes 5th in State Bowling Tournament
Chloe Skinner and Gabe Washum are Players of the Week
Jo Anne Mayor has been serving  St. Joseph School for half a century.
Xavier Stobaugh and Holly Morgan are Players of the Week.
Ms. Phyllis Eubanks was one of the financial sponsors of Friday's basketball games with Conway Christian.
Travis Jackson and Sydney Chambers are Players of the Week.
The Fall Fundraiser Raises Over $8,000