Girl Earns Blue Ribbon
Fair Parade
Players of the Week
Bulldog Golf Tournament
EMC trainees
Players of the Weel
scholarship presentation
sliding home
Trevor Jackson
Award Presentation
team photo
Team picture and action
St. Joseph Wins Third Place at State Quiz Bowl Tournament
CAYLI Graduates
Players of the Week
St. Joseph High School's Interact Club, a service organization affiliated with the Conway Noon Rotary Club, recently made a $500 donation to Haven. It's a Qualified Residential Treatment Program for adolescent females in foster care who have experienced trauma. It accepts children from every county in Arkansas.   Interact Club Board Chairperson Blakely Holland presented the check to Jessica Garrett, one of Haven's Qualified Behavioral Health Professionals. The funds for the donation came from a recent St. Patrick's Day dress-up event involving St. Joseph's elementary, middle and high school campuses.
Sacristan Assistants
St Joseph altar
Nicholas French pitching